Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Android TV

Wow, Android is becoming quite a formidable little OS!  Ok, here's the latest: Android TV! I know, I know, no one's even heard of it yet,...well the folks down under have.  The good folks at Millenius Pty Ltd. in Australia have just leaked a couple of pics of a device stating that Android TV is coming soon in 2011.  So far, here's what we know about the device: it runs Android 2.2, full HD 1080P Video Decoder, HDMI, Support for Flash 10.1, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 1GHz Cortex A8 CPU, Android Market, and has a total of 2 (possibly 3) USB 2.0 ports.  Now we'll just have to wait and see where Mountainview is going with this one - maybe this is going to replace GoogleTV??  Stay tuned,...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Well, well, well,....it looks the not so secert Google Nexus S by Samsung has finally decided to show itself to the world.  What's interesting about this is that the google website (link is provided below) is fully up and operational, but the phone is actually not coming out until Dec. 16th, which is still about a week away.  It's like they decided to launch a website without the device - they we're originally going to launch back in November, or something like that,...but again, my point is why not just launch the phone today?  I mean they're selling it through Best Buy, so why not today as opposed to a week later?  Also, no dual-core processor,...and no 4G.  Again, weren't all the tipsters and everybody who came forward with details saying that the reason for the delay was because they were going to make it dual-core (since all the rumors indicate dual-core android devices as early as Feb. '11) and that they had to update Gingerbread since it doesn't play well with dual-cores?  Anyway, I've got some mixed feelings about all of this... If Nvidia Tegra2 phones are just around the corner (Motorola) then why not update the hardware so it will be the flagship Android device for more than a month or two.  Also, since Google obviously has a thing for T-Mobile, why not make it "4G"?  This is weird because now the Android "flagship" device won't even have the best radio since T-Mobile currently has two phones that run on their new upgarded network (the G2, and MyTouch 4G).  Also, why does it still have a 5-megapixel camera?  You woud think that it would at least be a 8-megapixel camera.  Besides the front facing camera, and the NFC chip (which will make it act like a credit card someday,) this phone is really not all that different than the Nexus One.  Oh, I almost forgot - no microSD memory card, it's got 16GB of internal storage.  The Nexus One (and other devices) supports a 32GB microSD; so in that area it's even behind!  I have to admit that this more than a little curious.  It almost seems like Google decided to launch another phone back in November, then somebody said, "hey, shouldn't we make it better since it's launching so late in the year and better phones will be here in January and Febuary?"  Then it's like in the middle of making the update they said, "Nah, nevermind - let's launch now and take advantage of the Christmas crowd."  But then they launch the website and tell you that you still have to wait for the phone.  Whew,...this is all very tiring and confusing.  Anway, I do have to admit one thing: it does look nice.  Even though everyone was talking about how it's plastic, an that's not as attarctive, I think they did a good job making it all black with no phyical buttons on the beryl.  Plus it makes Android "pop out" a little better; sort of like when you go to the movies and it's dark and the movie looks better because it's black.  Also, the shape is another goo idea; a slighty curved shape makes it fit closer to your head when holding it to your ear.  I also like the reverse "chin," it definitely makes sense and will also help when holding the device.  Overall, it does sound like a good device - if you want all the tech specs I'm not going to post them here, but you can go to the link below and it will fill you in.  My one real problem with it is that hardware wise it does seem like it's not as technically advanced as it should be - this phone really should have come out back in June/July/August.  Anyways, it does look nice at least.
[Link to the Nexus S]

Sunday, December 5, 2010

NEW Google Nexus S photo and video

Yes, the newest Google Phone, a.ka. the Google Nexus S has been spotted again in the wild.  This time it's the camera that seems to be the main point of interest.  It appears that over a dozen photos have leaked thanks to Google employee Ben Saitz.   The video below was taken with the Nexus S's video recorder to show off it's video quality.  Feel free to read more about this story here.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Google set to unveil Chrome OS Netbooks on Dec. 7

It looks like our friends in Mountain View, CA are holding a press event on Dec. 7 to bring us up to date on the status of their other operating system Chrome OS. Back on November 15, Google CEO Eric Schmidt told us that Chrome Netbooks would be ready for public consumption in a few months. Yesterday they released an update to the browser which is now Chrome 8. Also, it looks like their Chrome Web Store will be launching on Dec. 7th so it could be that Chrome is finally going to be revealed.

Code Named: Zeus - First Valid Glimpse of the Up-Coming Sony Ericsson Z1 Playstation Phone

Ok, ok let's all try and relax for a moment,... Yes, it does appear that this is the first clear footage (we're not counting that blurry video released from Greece, or wherever) of the often rumored, but never seen Playstation Phone. Remember, there are still a lot of unknowns. For example, the obvious: when will it be released? From the look of the video it looks good enough to go right now. Also, what network will it run on? Is it 4G capable? (Probably not!) Is it dual-core? Does it have a cutting edge graphics processor? Will it be called the Playstation Phone??? I only bring this up because if you look at the video closely, the only logo on it are the Sony Ericsson brands. Oh yea,...one more thing: what version of Android will it arrive with when it does ship? We all loved Sony Ericsson back in the early to mid 2000's when they seemed to be ahead of the curve but so far, at least when it comes to Android they seem to always be playing catch-up. Well, let's just hope they do this one right because obviously the beloved Playstation brand can not afford to be lightly represented. If all goes well, this could be the Android runnin' camera tottin' graphics crunching Android behemoth we've all been waiting for...but again, don't hold your breath. We'll just have to wait and see. If it is it what we've all been hoping for based on years of internet rumors and pics (or should I say design suggestions) then Sony Ericsson is back, and in a big way. Watch out Steve Jobs, Microsoft, Samsung, Nintendo, and everybody else in Sony's path. Let's keep our fingers crossed for now.

Motorola is planning 7-inch and 10-inch tablets for Verizon 4G LTE.

According to PC Magazine, Motorola is putting the finishing touches on 7 and 10 inch tablets set to launch on Verizon's new 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) network which will go live this Sunday. The announcement came at Credit Suisse 2010 Technology Conference where Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha gave the keynote. "I believe that tablets are a very important growth opportunity for us," he said. "But we have to differentiate. Software differentiation is going to be very important." Let's just hope that these devices run Android.


Friday, December 3, 2010

Samsung Nexus S spotted again in the wild,...sort of.

What is it about the Nexus S (Two) that has every Android user enthralled? My guess is that it has to do with the fact that Nexus devices are said to be the official and preferred devices from internet giant Google. Amazing how one company has totally become the face of the internet,... I wonder if anyone 15 years ago knew that searching was so vital to humans? But anyway, back to the story: supposedly the Nexus S has been spotted again thanks to a Google senior engineer: Erik Beans.  His Picasa account shows a picture of some lady with a phone that closely resembles the Nexus S.  I have an idea,...maybe the lady is his girlfriend and he gave her the phone as gift??  Oh wait, that would be too romantic!  What if she stole it from him while he was sleeping...just kidding!

[Read more of this story here]

TmoNews posts T-Mobile's reaction to Verizon 4G announcement

For your convenience we've provided the link of TmoNews' story of T-Mobile's reaction to the announcement of Verizon Wireless' 4G LTE network.  What kinda funny to us is their claim that their customers having enjoyed 4G service "for a while now." T-Mobile is supposedly "welcoming" Verizon to the 4G world now, as if they themselves have been in the "4G World" for years or something.  More like a month or two.  Are these networks really 4G?? Oh wait, we're not supposed to talk about that!

[Read their story here]

Cellular South offers to Pay You $100 if you loose your iPhone and switch form AT&T for and Android device.

Are you an AT&T customer? Do you own an iPhone and for whatever reason you're just not impressed. No need to worry, the nice folks at Cellular South are offering to give you a $100 credit towards the purchase of a new Android device that runs on their network. While this might not go very far in terms of paying AT&T's absurdly high early cancellation fee,...hey something's better than nothing, right?

Analytics Firm Gartner names Samsung No.1 Android provider.

Samsung has recently received praises from Gartner stating that it has become the top Android handset provider based on the volume of units sold through Q3 of 2010. According to the article, Samsung has shipped over 3 million Galaxy S handsets in the U.S. and now holds over 32% of the market.
Read the entire story here.

Is this the PlayStation Phone? Maybe.

While the internet has long heard rumors of a PSP Phone( since the release of the original PSP), it seems that these rumors have found their way,... all the way to the ears of the Executives at Sony, and it looks like now their might be some truth to the idea of a Playstation Phone. We all saw the leaked images of the Sony Ericsson X-12, but these are still questionable as whether or not the X-12 is indeed the Playstion Phone. Someone in Greece managed to capture this video which is supposed to be the PSPhone, but who really knows at this point. All we can say at this point is....maybe.

Sneak Preview of the LG Star! (Dual-core Android phone)

The website GSM Israel had managed to get their hands on the LG Star which is a dual-core Android mobile device. While the video below is not in English, it does a good job of demoing the rumored phone providing a good first hands-on.

Quad-Core CPU's on your Android Phone!

According to Nvidia's CEO Jen-Hsun Huang, quad-core processor's for Android devices are just around the corner.  Everyone has recently been talking about Nvidia's Tegra 2 processors which are set to debut early next year (2011), but Mr. Huang as stated that the next-gen Tegra 3 processors are being developped and should be ready, "in the near future."  He also said that their goal was to develop an new Tegra every year.  Nvidia's whitepapers can be read in detail here.

Gamestring demos its custom WoW UI

Were you an early adopter of Google TV?  Then you are already enjoying playing World of Warcraft thanks to the folks at GameString.  But here's where it gets better,... you may soon be able to enjoy WoW on you Android device.  While still in the alpha stages of development, GameString has successfully demoed WoW on an HTC Desire.  Check out the video below to see it in action!

Samsung pushes 1 Million and plus Galaxy Tabs!

Samsung's goal was to sell a million Galaxy Tabs before Dec. 31.  Needless to say, they have achieved that goal.  According to our friends at Samsung Hub they sold 1 million units in just two months after their launch.  Read the their story here: